I don't drive. As a matter of fact, I can't drive. It's not like I do not know how to, I do. (I had a probational license once but forgot to convert it to full and left it for too long and now the priobational license is void, which means I have to take the exams all over again). I mean, if you were to put me in a car in a circuit, if you taught me well, my driving skills would be comparable to that of Schumacher. But put me in a car in any busy street in the city, and my brain would just stop functioning automatically, my hands and feet would freeze and I just wish I could close my eyes, with my foot on the accelerator, praying with all my might that I won't hit anyone, or anything.
Some people can't carry a tune or kick a ball, but I can't seem to work the magic of the four-wheeled box. Two separate incidents with a neighbour's gate and a trash-can have managed to scar me for life and stripped off my confidence on the road completely. Somehow, I've managed to live with this 'disability' all these years. And I have been lucky to have such wonderful and understanding friends and family who have been ever so willing to drive me around this whole time.
But now that I'm back for good, my luck is running on empty and much expectations have been raised amongst family and friends that this 'disability' won't be around for much longer. I have as a matter of fact registered myself into a driving school and the soonest that I can start is sometime after Raya. In the mean time, I have to bear the grief I get from the boyfriend and mother everyday (!) about having to drive me around, which is mounting and borderline annoying. If you ask me, if you can't be asked to drive me around, then you'll have to be okay about not seeing me for awhile, and you'll have to learn to work the ATM machine on your own. Simple!
I make a pledge to the stars and the trees tonight that I will try with all my might to learn how to drive. And I pray to God for the courage and patience to become a skilled Malaysian driver and the power to read the minds of reckless rempits whenever necessary. Let's raise a toast to KL traffic and the much anticipated road rage! =)