the unquestionable companion
There is nothing much in this fortress. Just me. And of course my DVDs. A lot of DVDs. And boy have I got all sorts. Those that I play to laugh at for the 88th time, or those that I play to pick my brain with once in a while, or those that I play for that clamour in the background. Do not undermine the importance of these DVDs, because if I was honest, there is no other moment that I look forward to most than my time alone with my DVDs. Even on a day out with friends, family or whoever, not before long, I'm counting the hours in my head before I am reunited with my DVDs.
It's a crazy obsession this one. And I'm anal about my time alone with them too! It's not the same when I have company around. Because then my focus will be shifted to the guests and my mind will constantly be worrying if they're alright, if they're comfortable, if they need a drink or if I need to fluff their pillows again. My focus is no longer on the DVDs.
I make exceptions for people I really like though. If I really like you, I'll invite you into this fortress with me and we can watch the DVDs together. You at one corner, me at one corner, and with miminal conversation between us, we can enjoy the DVDs together. But it's possibly a different case altogether if I really, really, really like you. We don't have to sit at opposite corners, and conversations or no conversations, before we know it, the DVDs will be nothing more than a clamour in the background.
Very soon, I will have to leave this fortress and learn to let go of my time with my DVDs. I'm not sure if I'll be okay with that. After all, we've spent so much time together and been through so much together. But I guess it's only fair. It's about time I step out and see the world a little bit - see how everyone else is doing and what they're upto. See if anyone needs someone to talk to or a helping hand.
I'm not ready to give them up. I'd like to think though however, that if something comes up, and the world gets a bit chaotic out there, I am still left with the choice to revert, to my time alone with my DVDs.